UNHCR WILL2LIVE映画祭2019年10月5日、文京シビックセンター(東京)にて、『難民キャンプで暮らしてみたら』の上映前に、リーナ・アンナーブ駐日ヨルダン大使にご挨拶をいただきました。
国連UNHCR協会 星野守事務局長、本日ご臨席の皆さま、こんにちは。
世界中で7000万人もの人々が紛争や迫害などの理由で家や故郷を追われているというこんにち、私達全員が直面している喫緊の課題に関心を持ち、こうして今日ここにおいで下さった皆様に感謝を申し上げます。 7000万人のうち、2600万人が難民であると推定されています。
ヨルダンは比較的国土の小さな国です。 数十年にわたり、助けを必要としている隣人に愛と思いやりを与えてきたヨルダンを私は大きな心を持つ小さな国だと思っています。本当のやさしさとは何かがこの映画から明らかに伝わります。
ヨルダンは難民受け入れ国として非常に大きな負担を抱えています。シリア難民の流入はヨルダン国民とヨルダン経済に大きな打撃を与え、 国の経済成長と雇用の創出が阻まれました。 しかし、ヨルダンは人道主義の伝統に則りこの負担を背負ってきました。
この世界的な人道的危機の中で、国連難民高等弁務官のフィリッポ・グランディ氏が「平和のない世界の症状」と述べたように、難民の悲劇を対岸の火事として傍観するべきではありません。 世界が支援する方法を模索している中、戦争を阻止する上で、私たちはより意識的かつ効率的になる必要があるのです。
Opening Remarks at “Salam Neighbor” Movie Screening,
at Bunkyo Civic Center, Tokyo,
on Saturday, October 5, 2019
Mr. Mamoru Hoshino, Executive Director of Japan for UNHCR,
Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen,
Minasama Konnichiwa!
My name is Lina Annab and I am the ambassador of Jordan to Japan. I am extremely honored to be standing before you today.
I would like to thank you for being here to be part of this event that highlights one of the most pressing issues facing the world today and that is the plight of 70 million people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes by conflicts, persecution and other forms of oppression worldwide. Out of these 70 million an estimated 26 million persons are refugees.
Syrian refugees alone, the focus of today’s movie, account for the majority of world refugees with over six million persons. Most of these refugees are vulnerable groups of women and children.
Today we will learn the stories of five brave people who have fled the conflict in Syria and have found safe haven in my country Jordan.
“Salam Neighbor” movie takes place in Zaatari camp, located north of Jordan and just few kilometers away from the Syrian border. It is the largest Syrian camp in the world, and with its 80,000 residents it is close to being Jordan’s fourth largest city.
Ironically over the past few years Zaatari has become the Poster camp of Syrian refugees...it is the most filmed and photographed refugee camp in the world.
But photographs are frames that capture a moment in time…they tell part of an ongoing story…As important as they are, putting them in full context becomes even more important.
Ladies and gentleman,
As we gather to watch the inspiring stories that “Salam Neighbor” presents, it is crucial that we set the scene in perspective in order to understand the full extent of the challenges facing the refugees as well as their host countries and communities.
At some point in the movie, the narrator says “As we headed into Mafraq, it was almost too much to think that Zaatari camp is only a fraction of the refugees of Jordan – most Syrians live outside of the camp.
Well let me share with you the full part of the fraction that the narrator is talking about.
It has become well known to all that refugees are disproportionately hosted not by wealthy nations, but by poor and middle-income countries next to their own. And this holds true to Jordan.
As we embraced and welcomed our fleeing next-door neighbors with open hearts and arms, we were soon struck with the reality of our limited resources as well as with the obvious inability of our existing infrastructure and related services such as health and education to handle the sudden heavy influx of Syrian refugees.
Jordan is a relatively small country. I like to think of it as a small country with a big heart thanks to the love and compassion that it has been extending for decades to its neighbors in need…This genuine kindness clearly comes across in this movie.
The size of Jordan is almost the size of Hokkaido Prefecture. The population of Jordan is estimated at 10.5 million out of which a staggering 34% are refugees, 28% of them are either registered with UNHCR or with UNRWA the UN agency in charge of the Palestinian refugees. To put this in relative terms it is as if a country like Japan hosted 35 million refugees. In fact and despite of its meager resources and the many challenges it faces, Jordan is considered to be the highest refugee population per capita in the world.
Syrians fleeing the conflict in Syria and seeking safe shelter in Jordan are estimated at 1.3 million persons or almost 13% of the total population. There are about 660,000 Syrians registered with UNHCR in Jordan.
Jordan has been carrying a massive burden as a refugee host. The influx of Syrian refugees has put a huge burden on the Kingdom’s people and economy. This crisis held back economic growth and job creation. And in spite of all of this, Jordan continues to shoulder the refugee challenge keeping with its compassionate and humanitarian traditions.
We in Jordan, want to help and we want to provide safe haven and all the needed services to those badly in need, but we cannot do this on our own. The world must come together to help host countries who have stretched thin their resources for the sake of providing safety to those whose lives have been shattered by conflicts and brutal circumstances.
Finally and amid this global humanitarian crisis, we should never lose sight of the fact that the tragedies of displaced persons are as UN High Commissioner for Refugees Mr. Filippo Grandi described it “A symptom of a world without peace”. As the world looks for ways to help, “we must also become more mindful and efficient in stopping wars”.
Gatherings like ours today should encourage us to keep on asking ourselves… What does it mean when people lose ties with their hometowns and families? What does it mean when they continue to live with memories after that? In essence “A person with a home can never fully understand the feelings of a homeless person”. But still gatherings like ours today do prompt us to think about the most vulnerable people.
Finally, I cannot end without acknowledging the wonderful work of the amazing organizations such as Japan for UNHCR who has been playing a key role in raising awareness about the issue of displaced person in the world. I must also thank the UNHCR for their amazing work. And of course, our sincerest thanks goes out to Japan and to you the great people of Japan for your compassion, friendship and continued support.
Thank you.